The Porsche 918 Spyder is a hypercar that has captured the hearts of automotive enthusiasts worldwide. It is a stunningly beautiful supercar car with advanced hybrid technology, making it a true engineering marvel. However, only some folks really have the budget to own one of these incredible machines, which is where the world of DIY car building comes in.

Recently, a video surfaced online showing a homemade Porsche 918 Spyder built from PVC pipes. YouTuber King of Crafts spent over 90 days perfecting the design and construction of this one-of-a-kind vehicle, and the results are truly impressive.

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90-Day Project: Porsche 918 Spyder Replica

Porsche 918 Replica

The first step in building a car body from scratch is to create a design that accurately represents the shape and contours of the original vehicle. In the case of the Porsche 918 Spyder, this is a difficult task. The car has a complex shape with many subtle curves and angles that had to be reproduced to create a convincing replica.

This project took King Of Crafts over 90 days, with the builder outlining the car's shape on the ground before welding metal rods to create the frame. The builder then formed the body using six large PVC pipes and over 300 smaller pieces attached to screws.

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Porsche 918 Built with Attention to Detail For A Realistic Finish

White Porsche 918 Replica

With the completion of the leading car body, the builder's attention turned toward the final stages of the construction process. The King Of Crafts' Porsche replica has a sleek and shiny white finish, emphasizing its streamlined design. Next, the builder meticulously added the headlights, taillights, and exhaust pipes to enhance the car's appearance further. He crafted these details using various materials, including PVC, cardboard, and aluminum foil. After that, he carefully assembled them to create a realistic and polished finish.

The final step was adding an electric motor to power the car, which he had salvaged from an old electric scooter. Other car features also appear in the video, such as the doors that can be opened and closed, a steering wheel that actually turns, and the dashboard. These final touches transformed the car from a mere collection of parts into a fully realized and impressive vehicle.

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The Benefits of DIY Car Projects

Porsche 918 front end shot
Porsche media

In addition to being rewarding and enjoyable, DIY car projects can be an excellent way to develop a wide variety of practical skills. From welding to painting and electrical work, these projects provide a unique opportunity to acquire real-world knowledge. These skills are valuable for mechanical repair and customization and can be helpful in various fields, such as engineering. Furthermore, working on a significant project like the Porsche 918 Spyder provides the perfect platform for honing those skills.

Moreover, completing a successful DIY car project offers financial benefits. As anyone interested in automobiles knows, authentic hypercars come with an outrageous price tag; however, by building one's vehicle from scratch, with parts purchased independently, you can save thousands of dollars compared to buying an original model. Plus, any money spent on supplies used during your project will likely be less than what it would cost to purchase all the new parts from a dealership or other vendor.

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The Risks of DIY Car Projects

Porsche 918 side shot
Porsche media

Of course, building a car from scratch is not without risks. There are safety concerns to consider, particularly when it comes to electrical components of the car. Therefore, it's crucial to have a thorough understanding of how the car works and to take all necessary safety precautions.

DIY car projects can also be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there's always the risk that the end result won't meet your expectations. But for those who are willing to put in the effort, the rewards can be significant. Finally, depending on the complexity of the build and where you are based around the world, you may or may not be able to build your newly built car.

Automakers of the original car obviously won't be so pleased about it. So while a knock-off 918 like the one seen here in Vietnam where King Of Crafts is based is alright, the same won't be so easy to pull off in the west. Even replica kit cars require special permissions, by law.

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The Process of Creativity And Perseverance

Watching the video of King Of Crafts building his homemade Porsche 918 Spyder, it is clear that this project was not easy. However, the amount of time and effort it took is genuinely remarkable. The video is a testament to creativity and perseverance, as King Of Crafts encounters challenges and setbacks throughout the 90 days of building the car.

Of course, building a car from PVC pipes is not for everyone. But for those who enjoy DIY project cars or homemade supercars and have a passion for cars, it's a great way to learn new skills, save money, and create something truly unique. King Of Crafts' homemade Porsche 918 Spyder is an impressive work. The fact that he created the replica using PVC pipes is simply mind-boggling and a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of the maker. The YouTuber promises more handmade crafts and DIY projects to follow suit.